A valid Will determines how your estate is dealt with after you die. Your Will can appoint an appropriate family member, trusted friend, or professional to administer your estate (your executor), nominate guardians for young children, determine who will receive your... Read More
Recent research found that 99% of intimate partner homicides in New South Wales that occurred between 2008 and 2016 were preceded by evidence of “coercive control” within the relationship. In 2022, the NSW parliament introduced a law to criminalise coercive control in... Read More
Once upon a time, you were happily living together with your de facto partner. Roses were bought, dinners were cooked, finances were shared, and Wills were signed leaving all your assets to the other partner in the event of what you then thought of as the faraway time... Read More
When someone dies, their assets are usually distributed according to their will. The person responsible for managing and distributing these assets is the “executor” of the deceased estate. In some cases, a will appoints more than one person to act as executor, and... Read More
It is relatively easy to find a free Will template on the internet and fairly cheap to buy a Will “kit” from a newsagent or online. There are also websites that have “data collectors” that take your information and create a Will for you seemingly without any legal... Read More
An estate plan involves more than signing a Will and leaving it in a safe place. An effective estate plan requires consideration of several matters and ongoing review to ensure it reflects your testamentary wishes and covers unexpected events. In this article we look... Read More